
typographic sex appeal.

My friend, Sam (TOS - not me!) and I watched the Science of Sex Appeal on the Discovery Channel this weekend and inevitably, a dorky question about font choice popped into my head. I know, bizarre that 'font' and 'sex appeal' should occupy the same thought... Anyway!

There was a segment of the show focusing on how men and women react to different voices. Two women could say the same exact sentence, but the unique tone and rhythm of one woman's voice could attract a man more than the other.

Sometimes I think font- and typography-obsessed culture could form a whole different species based on the physical reactions people have to fonts. Far-fetched, yes. Illogical? I don't think so. Weird and probably shouldn't be shared with the public? Definitely. Whatever. Maybe a woman can have a stronger attraction to one man over another based on their typographic representation of a word. Fonts do have personalities! And maybe font choice is a facet of sex appeal for some people.

I don't think I'm that bad, though. I can safely say I've been attracted to people who think it's ok to use Comic Sans and Papyrus for... anything.

With that dose of weirdness, I leave you with the a font lover favorite from College Humor:

1 comment:

  1. fonts do evoke emotion - and some are sexy, while others are microsoft designed :)
