As usual, WLT serves up another thought-provoking typographic piece. I decided to follow the digital breadcrumbs out to Type for you onto the designer's portfolio, I AM LOWMAN.
Initially the image conjured a frequently expressed design belief of mine: font choice is paramount in the identification of a brand, no matter what derivative of a noun (person/place/thing) it applies to.
The design has a unique explanatory blurb delving into her motive for this particular creation. A compelling excerpt:
"The result of showing your identity is that you are showing a certain type of honesty and humanness in this age of impersonal systems and technologies. I think that with the developing of computer technologies and design automation the only real unique selling point a designer will have in the future is his or her vision/design philosophy and identity."
The challenge? Not succumbing to the ease of the search engine, stock illustration and photo sites. Taking inspirational cues from past creativity successes in age-old publications like Communication Arts and expanding digital archives like – without becoming a copycat.